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Pandas Introduction

Pandas Series

Pandas DataFrame

Pandas Read Files

Pandas Some functions and properties

Pandas Math Function

Pandas Selection

Pandas Change Type

Pandas Concatenate & Split

Pandas Sorting

Pandas Filter

Pandas Data Cleaning

Pandas Group by

Pandas Time Series

Pandas Analysis 1

Pandas Analysis 2

Pandas Analysis 3


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Introduction of pandas

What is pandas?

Pandas is library of python. Pandas is widely used for data analysis, data science, machine learning, deep learning. It is a very powerful library.

In pandas, you will have the data into row and column or we can say in the form of table. The file extension can be anything like csv, xlsx, etc.

Things you can perform in pandas

1. Read or get the data from different source and different type of files.
2. Get information about the data.
3. Change data type of columns.
4. Can create new columns by merging, joining, concatenating, splitting, other columns. There are so many ways.
5. You can clean the data.
6. Data analysis.
7. Statistical data analysis
8. Data visualization
9. Save data in different format.
10. Machine learning.
11. Deep learning.
12. And many more things.

Example of pandas use cases

Use case example 1:
Suppose you have some data present in you local system and some are present in the SQL server. Now you have to get the data from different sources and have to convert these two different source data into one data. Then you have to change the data type according to the data. Here you will have a column named 'employee name'. In the this column you have employee name and designation. Now you have to split this employee name column and have to create two new columns. Among these two columns, first column will contain employee name and other you will contain designation. So for these type of work you can use pandas.

Use case example 2:
Suppose your boss gives you a dataset. After getting the data, you saw that there is some missing values. Now you have to clean the data by filling the missing values or deleting the missing containing row or column. You can do this using pandas.

Use case example 3:
Suppose you have a dataset. Now you have to analyze the data and have to create a analysis report using graphs and charts. To do this you can use pandas. But for graph and chart will need another library named matplotlib or seaborn. These are also libraries of python.

There are a lot of use of pandas. You will learn about those things in the upcoming lectures.

How to install pandas?

To install pandas in anaconda ,
1. at first open the anaconda powershell or terminal and run the given command.
pip install pandas.

To install pandas in jupyter notebook ,
1. at first open the jupyter notebooks and run the given command.
!pip install pandas.

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