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Introduction of Matlab

What is matlab?

MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. Matlab is a programming language and numeric computing platform. MATLAB is for numerical computation, visualization and application development. Difficult mathematical can be easily done using matlab. You can perform matrix, differentiation, integration, statistics, linear algebra, matrix, vector, probability, any many more math using matlab. Here you can create custom plots. For custom plots matlab provide built-in graphics for visualizing data and tools.

Using Matlab :
1. You can easily implement and test the algorithms.
2. You can easily develop the computational codes.
3. You can use a large database of built in algorithms.
4. You can process still images.
5. You can easily create simulation videos.
6. You can easily do symbolic computation.
7. You can easily perform extensive data analysis and visualization.
7. You can easily develop application with graphics user interface.

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