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Introduction of statistics

What is statistics?

Statistics is department of applied mathematics. In statistics we collect the data then analyze and interpret the data then organize and present the data. Math behind statistics is probability theory, linear algebra and differential and integral calculus.

Two major areas of statistics:
1. Descriptive statistics
2. Inferential statistics.

Learning statistics is very important because it is present in almost every department of a company.

Example of statistics

1. Suppose you have total 10 subjects. What is the average of you marks. Here finding average is a part of statistics.

2. If you have 10 sales person name and sales quantity of each sells person data. Now you have to plot a bar chart. Creating graphs and charts is a part of statistics.

3. Suppose you want to do survey that how many people likes car and how many people likes bike. Doing survey is also a part of statistics.

Use of statistics is huge.

Why statistics is important?

Without analyzing previous data, you can't grow a company. For example, which products sells well and in which region, if you don't that, then it can be a reason of big loss. Because it can possible that you are making those products which are not that much needed for that region people. So here you need statistics.

So we can say that, if we want to do better in feature then you have analyze data and to analyze, you must need statistics. Because statistics helps us to find that, what we have to do to better in future. So statistics is very important.

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