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Change data type using pandas

Let's see the dataset. This dataset is will be used in upcoming example of code .

import pandas as pd
Id Name Group_name Total_marks Grade Ranking
0 01 A Science 700 A+ 01
1 02 B Commerce 618 B+ 02
2 03 A Science 700 A+ 01
3 04 D Arts 687 A+ 01
4 05 E Commerce 611 B+ 02
5 06 F Arts 599 C+ 03
6 07 P Science 575 C+ 03
7 08 F Arts 600 C 03
8 09 I Commerce 550 C+ 03
9 10 J Science 650 A+ 01
10 11 K Arts 680 A+ 01
11 12 L Science 570 C+ 03
12 13 M Arts 599 C+ 03
13 14 N Commerce 597 C+ 03
14 15 O Science 697 A+ 01
15 16 B Arts 570 C+ 03
16 17 D Science 588 C+ 03
17 18 E Science 687 A+ 01
18 19 C Commerce 688 A+ 01
19 20 P Arts 588 C+ 03
20 21 C Science 619 B+ 02
21 22 M Commerce 600 B+ 02
22 23 P Arts 700 A+ 01

astype function()

Astype function is used to data type conversion like float to int or string, string to float or int and int to float or string.

import pandas as pd

Print("Original Dtypes")

df["Total marks"]=df["Total marks"].astype(str)
df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')

print("Dtype after conversion")
print("New Id column",df["Id"].dtypes)
print("New Ranking column",df["Ranking"].dtypes)
print("New Total marks column",df["Id"].dtypes)
Original Dtypes
Id    int64
Name    object
Group_name    object
Total marks    int64
Grade    object
Ranking    int64
Date    object
dtype: object

Dtype after conversion

New Id column float64
New Ranking column int32
New Total marks column float64

Float to integer tricks

To convert float to integer, round those float values before converting into integer.

import pandas as pd
print("New Ranking column",df["Ranking"].dtypes)
Id Money
0 1.12 $4,334.00
1 2.31 $4,343.00
2 3.00 $4,352.00
3 4.11 $4,361.00
4 5.01 $4,370.00
5 6.21 $4,379.00

to_numeric function()

If you have string in numeric column then you can't convert that column into integer or float using astype. So you have to use to_numeric function and use an extra parameter and that is errors="coerce". When this parameter gets a string it will make that cell nan. After doing this you will get a numeric column and to change it into float or int you can use astype function.

import pandas as pd
print("New Ranking column",df["Ranking"].dtypes)

Suppose you have some symbol(dollar, comma, etc) with numeric values. You can't convert those values into numeric from with those symbols. For the conversion, you have to remove those symbols. After removing the symbol you can change those values into float or integer.

import pandas as pd
print("After changing dtypes",df["money"].dtypes)
Id Money
0 01 $4,334.00
1 02 $4,343.00
2 03 $4,352.00
3 04 $4,361.00
4 05 $4,370.00
5 06 $4,379.00

Name: money, dtype: object

Id Money
0 01 4334.0
1 02 4343.0
2 03 4352.0
3 04 4361.0
4 05 4370.0
5 06 4379.0

Change date-time column data type

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