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MongoDB Introduction

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MongoDB DataBase

MongoDB Insert Data

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Data insert techniques in MongoDB

You can insert data in two ways in mongodb:

How to add one document?



Here insertOne means you want to add only one document.

How to add multiple documents in MongoDB?

To do this you will use insertMany() function. When we add a single document we pass those as a dictionary(key and value pair) for multiple documents we will also pass documents as dictionaries but here we will store all the documents in a list.


db.first_collection.insertMany([{Books:"Python",Price:500,Type:"Programming",Email:"aaaa@gamil.com"},{Books:"Javascript",Price:400,Type:"Programming",Email:"ba@gamil.com"},{Books:"DS math",Price:300,Type:"Math",Email:"caa@gamil.com"}])

Here insertOne means we want to add only one document.

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