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MySQL Introduction

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MySQL Create Table

MySQL insert and get values

MySQL Condition


MySQL Case

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MySQL Update

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SQL case

What is case?

The working of case is the same as if else statement. This statement goes through conditions and if the condition gets matched then it returns the value and stop running.
If any value doesn't get matched then it will return else statement. If there is no else condition then it will return NULL

SELECT columns_name(Those column names where we want to set condition),
    WHEN condition THEN print_value( what it should print if condition is true)
    WHEN condition THEN print_value(what it should print if condition is true)
ELSE print_value(what it should print if condition is true)
END AS column_name(write new column name to print values if get matched)
FROM Table_name;

SELECT Books, Price,
   WHEN Price > 150 THEN 'The price is greater than 150'
   WHEN Price = 300 THEN 'The Price is 300'
   ELSE 'The Price is no range'
END AS price_details
FROM books_store;

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