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CSS Introduction
CSS Basic Syntax
CSS Selector
CSS Units
CSS Text
CSS Border
CSS Outline
CSS Padding
CSS Margin
CSS Height & Width
CSS Overflow
CSS Resize
CSS Background
CSS Box Sizing
CSS Position
CSS Float
CSS Clear
CSS Clip Path & Shape Outside
CSS Display
CSS Media Queries
CSS Pseudo Classes & Elements
CSS Filter
CSS Transition
CSS Transform
CSS Animation
CSS List Style
CSS Table
CSS Scrollbar Styling
CSS Icon
CSS Cursor
CSS Variable & Calc
CSS User Select
CSS Flexbox
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These are the most important and most used properties.
To hide a content or element use this property.
This property will hide the content or element.
It doesn't delete the content, it just hide the content.
This value shows or displays the elements in a single line.
This value convert a element into a block or we can say the element will work like div.
This will convert the elements into a block and
then displays or shows in a single line.
If we use this value then the element will
work like a list item.
Suppose we have a div and inside that div we have another div means child div. So when we use float property
on the child div then a issue creates.The issue is the parent div doesn't close properly. It close on the
upper side of the child and it looks like that the child div is outside of the parent div. We will use
display:flow-root on the parent div if we use float property on the child div.
This property is used to hide or unhide a element. But if we use display:none; property to hide a element then
other element will come to that place of the hidden element. But for visibility property, any other element
never come to that place of the hidden element. We will see a empty place if we use visibility.
Properties of visibility:
visibility: visible;
visibility: hidden;