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All the techniques of wrapper methods to select feature in machine learning:

Wrapper method feature selection

In the wrapper technique, we wrap the feature together and try to find which combination of features is good for our model.

For example, we have 5 features. So we will try to find the best combination among these 5 features. For the first time, we use the combination of numbers 1,2, and 4 features and send it to a model. Then let's take 3,4 features and send them to the model. Then let's take numbers 2,3 and 5 features. So this way we make a combination of features and pass the combination to a model and try to find the best combination of features that will give good accuracy.
Suppose we get numbers 1,4 and 5 features as the best combination. So for training the model, we will take numbers 1, 4, and 5 features and others will be dropped.

There is three different methods to find the best combination of features:
To understand the below methods let's consider S total 4 features
1. Forward method:
Step 1:At first, choose a significance level.
Then we start with a null model and fit features to get the best combination
Step 2 : Here randomly take individual features at a time(let's take no 2 features the first time, then 3 then 1, and then 4 ) and individually will pass them to the model for testing. This method will select that individual feature that has a minimum p-value. Let's say that it takes no 3 features which have a minimum p-value.
Step 3 : From the second iteration, it already selects a feature(no 3). Now with this earlier selected feature, it will try to make the combination of the remaining(2,3 and 4) feature.
For example, no 3 feature is already taken so at first it will randomly take one feature(like no 1) and then no 2 feature and then no 4 feature will pass to the model to find the best combination features. It will again select a combination according to the minimum p-value. Let's assume it takes 3,1 features combination because it has a minimum p-value.
Step 4: Now if the total p-value of the combination of two features(from the second step 3,1 feature) which is selected earlier is less than the significance level then this step will happen. Now two features combination(3,1) is already selected. Now it will perform three feature combinations. Because there are only 4 features and the p-value of the earlier combination is less than the significance level so this is the last combination making step. If there is more feature left and the p-value < significance level is then it will do more work.
If we have 5 features then:
At first single feature combination.
Then two feature combinations.
If p-value < significance level in earlier combination, then three feature combination.
If again p-value < significance level in earlier combination, then four feature combination.

Repeat this process until we have a set of selected features where the individual feature's p-value is less than the significance level.
2. Backward method:
Step 1:At first, choose a significance level.
Then we start with a full model (including all the independent variables).
For example:
According to this combination those combinations which summation of each feature's p-value is greater than the significance level will be removed and which one is less will be choose.
Step 2: Suppose F1+F2+F3+F4 this combination is selected.
So again make a combination of these four features.
For example:
According to this combination again those combinations which summation of each feature p value is greater than the significance level will be removed and which one is less will be chosen.
Step 3: Suppose F1+F2+F3 this combination is selected.
So again make a combination of these four features.
For example:
According to this combination again those combinations which summation of each feature p value is greater than the significance level will be removed and which one is less will be chosen.

So this process will happen until we get the final set of significant features.
3. Bi-directional method:
It is a combination of forward selection and backward elimination.
To add a feature to the combination we use the forward method and to eliminate a model we use the backward method.

Choose a significant level to element or add a feature to the combination. So we can say that while adding or eliminating a feature it always checks the significance level. If the p-value of combination is less than significance level then it adds a feature and if greater then it eliminates the feature. This process will happen until we get a final optimal set of features.

#Install mlxtend !pip install mlxtend

import pandas as pd
from mlxtend.feature_selection import SequentialFeatureSelection as SFS
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

#Getting the dataset

Dividing the dependent and independent features

#Let's create the model

Let's create a variable using SequentialFeatureSelection
sfs=SFS(model, k_feature=3, forward=False, floating=False, scoring="accuracy", cv=2)
Let's understand the parameters:
1. model:
It is the variable where we stored the ml model. Here we used the KNN classifier but you can use anyone. After getting the combination we will pass it into this model for testing
2. forward and floating:
Two values are False or True. If we use True in forward and False in floating then the combination selecting process will happen using the forward method. If we pass the opposite then the selecting process will happen using the backward method. If we pass True in both then the bi-directional method will be applied.
3. k_feature:
It indicates the number of features to be selected. It can be any random value. But we can find the optimal value by analyzing and visualizing the scores for different numbers of features.
4. cv:
cv k-fold cross-validation. If you pass 1 then you will get one cross-validation score for each combination. If you pass 2 then you will get 2 cross-validation scores for each combination.
5. scoring:
This specifies which evaluation criterion should be used. For regression problems, we can use the r2 score. For classification, we can use accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, etc.

feature_names=("sepal length","sepal width","petal length","petal width" ) '''
Fitting independent_feature, dependent_feature, and feature names in the SFS variable
sfs=sfs.fit(independent_feature,dependent_feature, custom_feature_names=feature_names)

Creating a data frame for a better view of the combination and various scores.

Now select those features that combination give good accuracy and create new data to train the model.

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